lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013



From the educational point of view, we live in times when challenges have multiplied and strategies to overcome them need constant development. It is unlikely that the learning expectations are met using traditional methods. Our students today are more complex, short-term and closely linked to communication technologies diverse interests. It is also shown that you learn best actively experimenting and testing hypotheses, solving problems and becoming aware of your own progress. 

There are multiple benefits of using technological devices in the classroom. Some of these advantages are:

• They put except the backs of schoolchildren.
• Paper saver.
• Money saver.
• Maintain, improve and increased student attention.
• Learning can be adapted to the student.
• Countless applications towards the classroom.

Many wonder whether the use of mobile devices was a question of modernity and efficiency. Research shows, mostly, their use in the classroom significantly improves learning, as the student's experience with respect to the course topics is growing and expanding, plus the knowledge to be acquired would be constantly updated and can be verified by between these devices and with the help of the teacher. 

To finish, my point of view is that the technological resources that help both the teacher and the student can use the visual representation, communication strategies and they can discuss the outside world in a particular way and present it in the classroom. I really like to introduce technology during class because the consequences are very and truly positive for the learning process.

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